MySQL Error Occured
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND active='1' AND isPhotos='0' AND isNews='0' AND club='1'' at line 1

QUERY = SELECT DISTINCT CubeCart_cats_idx.productId, price_mefpa_kidclub AS price, sale_price_mefpa_kidclub AS sale_price, price_mefpa AS price_kidstore, sale_price_mefpa AS sale_price_kidstore, ekptwtiki_price, shortDesc, productCode, timestamp_ekptwsi_start, timestamp_ekptwsi_end, final_price_kidclub FROM CubeCart_cats_idx INNER JOIN CubeCart_inventory ON CubeCart_cats_idx.productId = CubeCart_inventory.productId WHERE CubeCart_cats_idx.cat_id IN () AND active='1' AND isPhotos='0' AND isNews='0' AND club='1'